
User profile is one of the core functionality of OpenUnited. It's where the personal details and contribution of the users are showcased. Many OpenUnited users are contributing to products to build up their portoflio which is represented in their profile.
Profile as a more powerful version of LinkedIn + GitHub/Dribbble:
Users can use the profiles to showcase their skills to the outside world. For instance, an OpenUnited user can include their OU profile in their CV or send directly to the companies that they are applying for jobs. It's a more powerful version of LinkedIn + GitHub where all the contributions as well as descriptions of each tasks are accesssible through the profile, therefore, it's easier for companies to assess the skill of the candidate.
In many cases, it can replace the existing case studies where developers or designers should spent countless hours of their time for free while applying for jobs.
User's profile include two main sections:

Uesr's personal details: information about the user and their skills
User's contribution: chronological list of all users contribution

Child product areas

Personal details

Personal details of the users are shown on their profile. These details are collected from users during their onboarding. Users can also add or update the existing information later through their profile. These information include: First Name Last Name Bio Skills Expertise Websites Personal details of the users on their profile:


One of the most important aspect of user profile is the contribution section where all the contributions of a users has been chronologically presented. Currently the contribution are presented as a list where some preliminary information for each contribution is presented in the list view. It's possible to dive deeper into a specific contribution by clicking on the item that opens the contribution detail modal.  Contribution Detail Modal In the contribution detail modal, more information about contribution is available such as Delivery Message submitted by the contributor, files that were uploaded, and a link to the task where the description of the task can be found.


Your status on OpenUnited reflects your level of engagement and the trust you have earnt using the platform. Your status is measured in points, and you earn and lose points by performing actions on OpenUnited. Your status increases when: You successfully complete Tasks (points depend on the task) Ideas & Bugs you create are accepted by the related product team Your accepted Ideas & Bugs are upvoted As a Manager or Admin of a product, Tasks that you create are claimed and completed You invite a user and they successfully register on OpenUnited The user you invited completes their first task Your status decreases when: You claim Tasks and do not complete them successfully You receive a warning for violating terms of use Some OpenUnited functionality, such as the ability to earn payment for payment-eligible Tasks, requires a particular status. Ultimately, the more you use in a constructive way, the more points you earn, the higher your status and the more privileges you unlock. How do points, status and privileges relate?