Account management

There are 6 different user types on OU:

Visitor = any OU non-logged in user
User = OU logged in user
Product Manager = a user that has the manager role on a product
Product Admin (defined on the Product level) = user who created this product on OU
Contributor (defined on the product level) = user who claimed at least one task
Super admin = OU admin, who has access to the admin panel and has access to all the products with Admin permissions

Child product areas

Sign up

User registeration is currently being handled by a third-party identity and access management provider called AuthMachine. Users can register for OU by going to this link. During the registeration, the email of the users is verified and they are asked to set their username and password. Currently there's no restriction such as minimum lenght is introduced for the username.

User onboarding

Once users complete registeration, they will be going through the onboarding steps where they are asked to provide some inforamtion to complete the creation of their profiles. Currently the onboarding is divided into two steps: Providing basic profile details: First Name (required) Last Name (required) Profile Picture (option) Bio (optional) Providing Skills & Expertise Selecting a set of skills (optional) Selecting a set of expertise based on each selected skills (optional)  


User profile is one of the core functionality of OpenUnited. It's where the personal details and contribution of the users are showcased. Many OpenUnited users are contributing to products to build up their portoflio which is represented in their profile. Profile as a more powerful version of LinkedIn + GitHub/Dribbble: Users can use the profiles to showcase their skills to the outside world. For instance, an OpenUnited user can include their OU profile in their CV or send directly to the companies that they are applying for jobs. It's a more powerful version of LinkedIn + GitHub where all the contributions as well as descriptions of each tasks are accesssible through the profile, therefore, it's easier for companies to assess the skill of the candidate. In many cases, it can replace the existing case studies where developers or designers should spent countless hours of their time for free while applying for jobs. User's profile include two main sections: Uesr's personal details: information about the user and their skills User's contribution: chronological list of all users contribution