Product Tree

Product Tree is one of the most important artifact of any products on OpenUntied. This comes from a product management framework which we recnetly introduced called FreshLatte.

What is a product tree?

Product tree is a visualization of all the capabilities of the product. Each product has a set of high-level capabilities and each of those capabilities have nested capabilities that might have further nested capabilities and so forth.

What's the purpose of product tree?

Better and faster onboarding into the product —> In all product teams, it's important to understand the functionalities of the product quickly. This is even more important when the onboarding to the product takes place async. A potential contributor of a product needs to be able to quickly skim through capabilties and zoom in the ares that they are interested in.
Easier context gathering for a contribution —> In order to have an effective contribution to the product, it's often required to get more context on the area of a product that a task relates to. Within OpenUnited, most tasks are mapped to specific capabilitiies of the product tree and this helps contributors to get more context about hte relevant part of the product.
More effective product management —> In companies, it's often unclear what complex product does and there's no single source of truth that represents the product capabilties. Product tree helps product leaders to visualize their products and map out context and insight to the relevant part of the tree. Often times new insights are uncovered during product discoveries and user research and mapping those to the right part of the tree would enable product leaders to access them at the right time whenever needed.

Here is an example of a product tree on OpenUnited:

Child product areas


Capabilities are product features that product users may engage with in order to complete a specific task. Capabilities can have nested capabilities. Capabilities can refer to functionalities (product tree) or actions within those functionalities (User registeration). Within OU, capabilities can be accessed through product map which is a visual representation of product capabilities. In the capability page, more details about the capability can be found such as description, video, images and related tasks. Here is an example of a capability: