Fix Challenge Status Bug

The current app has a bug where challenges are incorrectly marked as "Completed" even though some associated tasks (referred to as "bounties") remain unfinished. This issue results in users seeing challenges as fully completed when there are still outstanding actions to be taken.

Expected Behavior:
A challenge should only be marked as "Completed" when all of its tasks/bounties have been successfully finished.
If any bounty remains incomplete, the challenge should remain in a "Pending" or "In Progress" state.

Key Fixes:
Review the logic that checks task/bounty completion status.
Ensure the system properly tracks and updates the challenge status based on all associated tasks.
Implement safeguards to prevent premature marking of "Completed" status.

The goal is to provide a more accurate reflection of progress and avoid any confusion for the users.

Created By:
Created By
Farbod Saraf
 at Sept. 11, 2024
Status: Active
Priority: High

This challenge has no bounty associated with it.